Are you interested in free consultancy?

– You don’t know how to organize a corporate event?
– Are you looking for an idea for integration?
– Do you want to ask about a proven and reputable hotel?
– Do you have guests in your company and you don’t know how to organize their time?

Write or call us – we will dispel your doubts!


1. How long does it take to prepare an offer?

Due to the fact that our offers are complex and comprehensive, the preparation time is from 3 working days to a maximum of 7. Each time we conduct a thorough analysis of the client’s needs. When submitting an offer, we check the availability of all subcontractors and carry out the initial reservation of hotel rooms. Meeting Art offers are written in the form of esthetic and clear presentation. All this takes a long time, so we need more time to prepare it.

2. Why is it worth defining the budget of the event?

Defining the budget framework allows us to adjust to the client’s capabilities and expectations. We avoid misunderstandings when the initial budget is much higher than the maximum sum allocated to the organization of the event. Giving the maximum amount does not mean that the client has to spend that much on the event. Our offers consist of many elements, each of them is priced separately. It allows you to manage your budget properly.

3. Dlaczego warto zaangażować agencję eventową?

Zatrudnienie profesjonalnej agencji eventowej, takiej jak Meeting Art, nie oznacza, że impreza będzie droższa. Poprzez szeroką sieć kontaktów oraz stałych kooperantów negocjujemy lepsze ceny, niż klient uzyskałby samodzielnie. Równie ważne jest bezpieczeństwo realizacji oraz właściwe reagowanie na nieprzewidziane sytuacje. Jeśli zależy Państwu na jakości – zapraszamy do Meeting Art – u nas każdy klient obsługiwany jest na poziomie premium. 

3. Why engaging an event agency is profitable?

Hiring a professional event agency such as Meeting Art does not mean that the event will be more expensive. Because of a wide network of subcontractors and regular partners, we negotiate better prices than the client would get on his own. The security of implementation and the appropriate response to unforeseen situations are equally important. If you care about high quality , we invite you to Meeting Art. With us each client is served at the premium level.

4. Are the participants of the events insured?

As a standard, we offer our clients a full insurance package (third-party, accident insurance and medical expenses insurance). Worth mentioning is that we only use vehicles not older than 5 years (our own fleet), driven by very experienced drivers. Due to the current epidemiological situation, we use sanitary procedures recommended by the competent services.

5. Czy zapewniają Państwo transport uczestników?

Jeśli wymaga tego rodzaj imprezy, to oczywiście zapewniamy profesjonalne usługi transportowe. Posiadamy własną flotę autokarów, busów i minivan-ów. Wszystkie nasze pojazdy są nie starsze niż 5 lat. Zatrudniamy wyłącznie doświadczonych kierowców, z których większość mówi po angielsku. 

5. Do you provide transport for participants?

If it’s required, we of course provide professional transport services. We have our own fleet of coaches, buses and minivans. All our vehicles are not older than 5 years. We only employ experienced drivers, most of whom speak English.

6. Does the budget cover all costs of the event?

When we send our clients a presentation with the offer and the initial budget, we always include all costs of the event. We are always honest and never put hidden costs or other surprises into an offer. Our offers are transparent and fair.

7. How do you supervise an event?

We always have personal and continuous supervision over the implementation of our events. Our representative goes to every realization, even the smallest one, in order to react to all customer needs and unforeseen situations on an ongoing basis. At Meeting Art, we always focus on the highest quality, which is why we take care of every detail at all stages of the event.

8. Czy realizują Państwo także eventy dla małych grup?

Tak, realizujemy również małe i bardzo małe wydarzenia czy spotkania i eventy nawet dla kilku osób. Dostosowujemy się również do możliwości budżetowych klientów.

8. Do you also organize events for small groups?

Yes, we also organize small and very small events or meetings even for several people. We also adapt to the budget possibilities of our clients.